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 Low-alloy basic coated electrodes

Low-alloy basic coated electrodes

Steel welding

Jakost AWS
E 7016
Jakost EN ISO
E 42 2 B (R) 12 H10
Jakost DIN
E 51 43 B(R) 10

Product specifications

Products Welding electrodes
Design Electrode
Field of application Steel welding
Norma AWS AWS A-5.1
Jakost AWS E 7016
Jakost EN ISO E 42 2 B (R) 12 H10
DIN standard DIN 1913
Jakost DIN E 51 43 B(R) 10
Package 5,5 kg (450mm)
Length 450 mm
Diameter 4.0 mm
Manufacturer MetalWeld
Trade name BASOWELD S

Non-binding inquiry

We supply a material certificate directly from the manufacturer for all orders.